Mayaan Nidam – Trommel 145 (All Night Long 8 Hour Set)
- Post DateFri May 12 2023

Image via Art Merikotka on Pexels – free to use
My eyes were raised in hope when I discovered an 8 hour set by Mayaan Nidam, recorded for Trommel.
I find Mayaan Nidam rather charming, both musically and from what I’ve read about her in a couple of interviews – in fact, I actually saw her DJing in London once, she seemed so diminutive and slight behind the decks, yet played by far the most interesting music, if I remember correctly.
She also has some great productions, such as Looking Through The Glassy Mind, or Chrome Moon – there’s spiritualness coming from her minimal-ish productions. I’m sure I heard some of her unreleased productions on a show/podcast a few years back which were out of this world, but I’ve never seen them released…though maybe I imagine that.
Anyway, 8 hours of music – easily the longest set that I’ve featured. It starts quite languid, which makes sense – given that it would likely have been 10pm. Almost beach-style music – think Antal kind of vibes if you desire.
After an hour or so, it veers into house music – some fairly contemporary sounds, a few classic tracks too.
The mix still has some left turns in it, but also some moments as well – notably the first turn into something tougher on the 2 hour 55 minute mark with some form of edit of Omar S’s Set It Out – or using vocal. Or is it Midway’s vocal? Whatever, it is class, then not long after it is followed by one of my favourite Matt John tracks, The Rising Scope, and my hope for old school minimal rises too.
I’m enjoying this set a lot, a lot of good quality house music but then some weird guitar track comes in and my flow is broken – maybe you’ll be keen, maybe you needed to be there. It feels really out of place. And then it goes back into, broadly-speaking, house music.
Over the last couple of hours, it takes more turns and it does feel like it has turned into 8 hours of Mayaan Nidam’s favourite music rather than something especially well thought-out, but remains mostly full of really enjoyable music, so what’s not to like?
This could have been amazing, but it does drift without directionless as it goes on. It is still a really worthwhile listen for 8 hours.
Enjoyment rating of 7.75.